Health, safety and wellness
We ensure occupational health and safety is integrated into all our management systems and operations to prevent occupational injury, illness and incidents.
UQ's Health, Safety and Wellness (HSW) division is based at the St Lucia campus with staff on-site at Gatton campus.
We're committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for staff, students, volunteers, contractors, visitors and neighbours in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Work Health and Safety Act (2011).
UQ's Gatton campus HSW staff facilitate the managment system for health, safety and wellness within the:
- Faculty of Science
- School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
- School of Veterinary Science
- Property and Facilities and
- Office of the Director, Gatton Campus.
UQ Gatton OHS contacts
Myat Kyaw-Tanner
Occupational Health & Safety/BioSafety Co-ordinator
Faculty of Science
Phone: +61 7 5460 1966
Theresa Seru
Occupational Health & Safety Officer
Faculty of Science
Phone: +61 7 5460 1144