Gatton Farms

The University of Queensland Gatton Farms is located on the Gatton campus, 80 kilometres west of Brisbane.

The farms cover 1,068 hectares and include:

  • a dairy
  • sheep and goat herd
  • horticultural fields
  • post-harvest facilities and greenhouses
  • extensive range of plant and farm machinery.

UQ Gatton Farms is spread across 2 locations:

  • the main area of activities is on the Gatton campus and Darbalara farm
  • Darbalara covers 184 hectares and is located 10 kilometres from the main campus
  • Darbalara is home to the School of Veterinary Science Droughtmaster herd and beef cattle to teach facility, grazing and crop production.

Lockyer Valley location

UQ's Gatton campus is located in the Lockyer Valley, a highly fertile horticulture area with a subtropical climate that features relatively long hot summers, and short, mild winters with occasional frosts.

Rainfall is summer dominant with 65 to 70 per cent of the total rainfall occurring in the October to March period. The average annual rainfall to the area is approximately 780 millimetres making this the driest part of South East Queensland.

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Gatton Farms units